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Breathing, moving, healing...

In this fast paced world so many of us are feeling anxious and ungrounded.

We spend our days feeling restless, on edge and fatigued. Our muscles tense, our jaws constantly clenched and we may even struggle with sleep. 


Gentle Yoga for When Life Gets Too Much 


 A slow and gentle Yoga practice can help us slow down, calm the nervous system and learn to be kinder to ourselves.

I believe that Yoga helps us find our grounding when things get too much and it guides us to find our place in this beautiful-crazy world.

It also teaches us to be kind and compassionate to ourselves and other beings on this earth.

We need to take care of ourselves first before we take care of others 


Hi, I'm Zubia,

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I started practicing Yoga more than ten years ago in a difficult time in my life when I was dealing with a lot of anxiety and insomnia. I came to Yoga seeking to find some calm and a break from my running thoughts.

But the classes that I found were too fast, and they left me feeling more anxious than relaxed. So I stopped going to classes and started developing my own practice focusing on slow and gentle movements with focus on the breath.

This Slow & Gentle Yoga practice together with Meditation and Breathwork have been (and still are) essential elements in my journey to healing. Thanks to these practices I have become more calm, present and comfortable in my body and life. It is my honour to share them with others through private sessions and group classes to help them deal with their anxiety and guide them on their own healing journey.

If you want to learn more about me and what inspires my teachings, click here.

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